Identità Golose is confirmed for the autumn

The 16th edition of Identità Golose is confirmed for the autumn: the international congress of fine cuisine, patisserie and dining room service will be held from Saturday 24 to Monday 26 October at Mi.Co in Milan.

This year Identità Golose redoubles: the original framework of an unmissable live event, unchanged although respecting the regulations that will be governing the realisation of major events in the immediate future, will be joined by a powerful digital platform making it possible to follow the various stages of the congress and to share the exhibition experience of partner companies without time and participation constraints.

While the congress will not be giving up its traditional dimension, which focuses on meeting and relationships, conviviality and direct experience, the digital part will allow for new and important possibilities of interaction. It will offer an opportunity that the organisers will test in October and which will open the congress to groundbreaking prospects for future growth.

The commitment of the founders, Paolo Marchi and Claudio Ceroni, to give continuity to an event that has been held without interruption since 2005, is one strongly shared by all the protagonists, partners and companies that responded without delay last March to the invitation to reconfirm their participation.

“It will be a great responsibility,” comment Marchi and Ceroni, “to identify – with the help of all – the characteristics, conditions and ideas that will go to build a new future. An unforeseeable storm has questioned the very idea of conviviality, that set of relationships and exchanges that used daily to manifest themselves around a table and in front of a finely-cooked dish. Now it is a matter of starting anew and rebuilding, first of all by recovering those extraordinary values ​​that we took for granted for so long and which today have instead to be reconquered.”

Identità Golose has always been a strategic appointment for taking stock of the state of the art in the world of international catering and gastronomy. The next edition of the congress will once again provide an opportunity to reflect on the choices, prospects and trends that will make the difference and guide the development of the sector. All this thanks to the stimulating dialogue between chefs, pastry chefs, pizza and ice cream makers, men and women employed in the dining room, artisans, communication professionals and entrepreneurs attentive to the issues of relationship, quality and innovation.






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