The wine & spirits world meets in america

The wine & spirits world meets in america. Introducing two events under one roof – reuniting the beverage alcohol industry. Vinexpo America and Drinks America

The wine & spirits world meets in america. The new co-located events, Vinexpo America and Drinks America, will take place March 9-10, 2022 in the new Hall 3 at New York City’s Jacob K. Javits Convention Center. Together, the events will attract top buyers and decision makers from across North America, the largest and fastest-growing beverage-alcohol-consuming market in the world.

Vinexpo America is a repositioning of the former Vinexpo New York, which for three years served as the premier international exhibition for wine and spirits professionals in North America before a 2021 pause due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In its new form, Vinexpo America will focus exclusively on wines, with representation from the world’s top-producing regions.

Drinks America is a brand-new expo created in response to the forecasted continued rise in consumption of spirits and ready-to-drink beverages. It will feature a wide array of spirits, beer and sake from producers across the globe as well as beverage alcohol accessories and services.

The events will provide the ultimate and most comprehensive experience for exhibitors and buyers. The co-located events expand the categories of products available for one-stop sourcing, broadening the opportunity and attracting more buyers looking to purchase from a variety of categories. The events support the entire beverage alcohol industry, creating an efficient format to connect, conduct business and to showcase and discover products.  (  )





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