Alumni Nights for Everest 30years. Chicago fine dining

Alumni Nights for Everest 30years. Chicago fine dining

Alumni Nights for Everest 30years. This menu will feature classic Everest dishes that are famous and synonymous with Chef Joho’s legacy. Redazione Chicago – Join legendary Chef/Proprietor J. Joho as he recognizes a very important milestone– 30 years of Chicago’s beloved fine dining institution, Everest. Please join us in a month-long tribute to the memories and future of Everest with a special series of upcoming celebrations. Alumni Nights Starting on Wednesday,…

Valentine’s Weekend at Everest Restaurant

Valentine's Weekend at Everest Restaurant

A Night of Romance at Everest – Chicago Valentine’s Weekend at Everest Restaurant. Named one of the top ten most romantic restaurants in the country by the French restaurant guidebook Gayot, world-renowned Everest will be featuring Chef Joho’s personalized French cuisine for Valentine’s Dinner 40 stories above the glittering Chicago skyline. Valentine’s Weekend. On Saturday, February 13 and Sunday February 14, a multi-course Chef’s Tasting Menu will be offered for…